PHP Code Examples

Authorisation String

// Get current time in GMT.
$time_now = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('GMT'));

// Create timestamp in 'YmdHis' format. E.g. 20190812055213 
$timestamp = $time_now->format('YmdHis');

// Concatenate the values for channels, currencies, total and your timestamp in that order.
$booking_vars = [
    'channels'   => 2,
    'currencies' => 'USD',
    'total'      => 9999,
    'timestamp'  => $timestamp,

$string = implode('&', $booking_vars);

// SHA256 the string.
$auth_string = hash( 'sha256', $string );

// Fetch your channel secret and concatenate to string.
$secret = getenv('CHANNEL_SECRET');
$salted_auth_string = hash( 'sha256', $auth_string . $secret );

// Concatenate with timestamp.
$final_auth_string = $salted_auth_string . $timestamp;

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